Occupational Health and Safety
Chambal has a well-defined safety and occupational health programme conforming to OHSAS 18001:2007. The Company's integrated EHS Management System includes an onsite disaster management plan, mock-drills, safety audits and workshops, an onsite medical centre, health awareness programmes and regular health assessment of employees. A corporate EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) Policy and a site EHS Policy provides the framework and guidelines for environment, health and safety.
Chambal believes in building and maintaining excellent safety culture among its employees and contractor workforce. The aim is to prevent/ minimize all incidents and injuries, investigate all incidents including first aid injuries and near misses followed by implementation of 'Corrective and Preventive actions'. The Company ensures that all jobs are adequately supervised, using necessary 'Personnel Protective Equipment' and strictly follow safety precautions.
Fertiliser plants in India are classified as hazardous by the Government of India since they carry the risk of spillage/leakages of chemicals like naphtha, chlorine and ammonia. Chambal's commitment to 'zero accidents' on account of spills of any hazardous material confirms that safety is an area of paramount importance for the Company. Over the years, it has been able to practically eliminate usage of naphtha except in emergency situations. It continuously reviews and upgrades its technologies and other safety measures to control accidental spills and ammonia leakages.
Chambal implemented the Process Safety Management (PSM) system developed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), USA across its operations. Unlike USA, the PSM system is not mandatory in India but the Company has adopted it to focus on excellence through continual improvement of existing systems and employee involvement in safe operation of plants.
In 2006, an Ergonomics study of the Gadepan Complex and Corporate Office at Delhi was conducted by a team of experts from Central Labour Institute (CLI), Mumbai and a comprehensive study on 'Work Environ Monitoring' was carried out by a team from BHEL, Tiruchirappalli. The Company has won the Sword of Honour from the British Safety Council for two consecutive years, 2007 and 2008. It has also received a 5-Star rating for its Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems by British Safety Council in 2006, 2007 and 2008.
The Company accords high priority to health & hygiene monitoring at the workplace. It carries out employees' health assessment through periodical medical examinations. The plant and processes are continuously upgraded to improve workplace hygiene and health standards. The company imparts necessary training to the employees and other workers to enhance their awareness towards health related matters. Comprehensive Work Environment Monitoring is carried out in-house, as well as through external agencies on a regular basis, to prevent any occupational disease.